Teixeira Duarte carries out the rehabilitation of Ponta Delgada Port

Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. leads the consortium that will execute the contract to improve the Port of Ponta Delgada to enable the simultaneous operation of three container ships between 100 and 120 metres (LOA), as well as to fit this new front quay with a Ro-Ro ramp for vessels of this type, thus reducing the number of container movement and transport, loading and unloading cycles. The contract, with an estimated duration of 36 months, was awarded to the consortium by Portos dos Açores, S.A. for an amount of 38,690,000.00 euros.

The improvement work aims to increase the area of the embankment by around 68%, to make 17,000 square metres available, and also includes the construction of a new Port Operations building and its respective cafeteria, as well as the construction and installation of infrastructure and technical networks to support port operations, the refurbishment of access roads and the creation of a new entrance, including the installation of a new truck weighbridge.

All current facilities will remain in operation and pedestrian and road access must be guaranteed during the execution of the project.

Teixeira Duarte rehabilitates the North Breakwater at Viana do Castelo Port

A contract for repair and reinforcement work on the North Breakwater at Viana do Castelo Port has been awarded to Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. by APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A. at a ceremony held last Monday at the port.

With a length of 2,170 metres, the North Breakwater – protecting the port of Viana do Castelo – is a structure of gaugeable slopes with a concrete walkway. The contract will have a duration of 12 months and a value of €1,461,619.00, including the reinforcement of the existing slopes and repairs to the concrete pavement along its entire length, damaged by bad weather.

This project is the first of four planned for the rehabilitation of the aforementioned breakwater and is extremely important because it mainly resolves the safety issues of this port infrastructure, which is increasingly important to the country from an economic point of view.

Teixeira Duarte carries out reformation and expansion works for Porto Inglês, on Maio Island, Cape Verde

With its 37% consortium share, Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. leads a consortium that includes SETH – Sociedade de Empreitadas e Trabalhos Hidráulicos, S.A. (33%) and Armando Cunha Cabo Verde, S.A. (30%) that received the tender for undertaking the expansion and reformation works for Porto Inglês, on Maio Island, Cape Verde.

The works are estimated to last 18 months according to the contract and were allocated to the consortium for a sum equivalent to 17.2 million euros, with 69.18% received in Euros and the rest in Cape Verde escudos.

The works include preparing the execution project and all reformation works of the existing pier bridge, execution of the cantilever sheet pile walls and protruding breakwater, expansion of piers with the execution of a Roll-on/Roll-off platform on concrete piles with metal casings, reformation and expansion of existing embankment, in addition to accessory refurbishment of buildings and railway access to the port

The execution of this work also marks the return of the Teixeira Duarte Group to Cape Verde, since carrying out maritime works in 2014 on the island of São Vicente.

The Beira Alta Line update gets underway with an assignment to Teixeira Duarte

The construction works mark the start of the plan to update the Beira Alta Line – the Guarda-Cerdeira subsection of the Guarda-Vilar Formoso Section – which Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. (IP) assigned to Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A., for nearly 8.7 million euros, to be completed within ten months

In a ceremony held at Guarda Railway Station, attended by the Minister of Infrastructures and Housing, the European Coordinator for the Atlantic Corridor and IP’s Board of Directors, the project update the Beira Alta Line, the main railway connection to Europe, was presented.

The undertaking – in which Teixeira Duarte is joined by its affiliate SOMAFEL, S.A., working within this specific area of the railway works – consists of the comprehensive renovation of 14 kilometres of railway, with the aim of stabilizing the rail platform and improving the drainage system, treating and stabilizing slopes, adapting the catenary, signalling and telecommunications infrastructures, as well as installing the RCT-TP system.14

Teixeira Duarte and CSCEC Group sign contract to develop real estate project in Oeiras

“TEIXEIRA DUARTE, S.A.” and “CSCEC – China Construction Portugal, SA” – a Portuguese company integrated in the Group led by the “China State Construction Engineering Corporation” – formalized a partnership for the development of a real estate project in Oeiras, Portugal, which is officialized through a contract for the sale of shares corresponding to 50% of the capital stock of a subsidiary of the Teixeira Duarte Group, that held, for long time, the land where the project will be implemented. The indicated disposal of shares for the aforementioned “CSCEC – China Construction Portugal, S.A.”, reported to the market on july 23rd, was made for the amount of 31.1 million euros, and has an estimated impact on the results of “Teixeira Duarte, S.A.” of about 22.2 million euros.

The project will be made up of several office buildings, housing and commerce, integrated in a large green park, in a model that is intended to be a reference for life balance, innovation and sustainability.