Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, SA promoted, on March 4, a seminar on the theme “Engineering: the key to Sustainable Development”, also marking the World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development, thus proclaimed by UNESCO in November 2019.

The event aimed to reinforce the awareness of its employees to the global goals in the scope of Sustainable Development, in which Engineering plays a fundamental role.

The seminar was attended by three guest speakers: Manuel Pinheiro, degree and Phd in Environmental Engineering, with addition to the Instituto Superior Técnico, Helena Gervásio, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Coimbra, and Jorge de Brito, PhD, Full Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geo-resources of Instituto Superior Técnico.

Teixeira Duarte, whose origin and purpose is to be an “Engineering House”, thanks everyone who attended this event, in particular the guest speakers who, with their collaboration, enriched the initiative beyond our expectations.