Detalhes do Projeto
Client: Imo Health – Investimentos Imobiliários, S.A.
Location: Lisboa – Portugal
Conclusion Year: 2020
Contract job concerning the execution of a structure, finishes and special installations for the constructions of a hospital building.
This is a building composed by 6 floors above the ground and 4 basements, with 800 parking places.
This construction is characterized by aluminium and glass façades, embellished by GRC (glass fiber reinforced concrete) modules coating, and in the interior spaces with vinyl floorings, phenolic panel walls and cardboard false ceilings and metal panels, on most spaces.
The high-level technical component of all installations should be highlighted, namely the special requirements of each one of the hospital operative areas, as well as the technical support rooms and the diversity of technical services.
Relevant data:
Capacity: 200 beds
Medical consultation offices: 100
Examination rooms: 60
Operating theatres: 11
Construction area: 75.000 m2
Clinical activities area: 31.000 m2
Site area: 10.000 m2
Concrete: 15.000 m3
Ribbed steel: 2.100 ton
Prestressed steel: 62 ton
Formwork: 70.000 m2
Masonry: 44.000 m2
Cardboard partitions: 46.700 m2
Phenolic coatings: 9.000 m2
Cardboard false ceilings: 23.000 m2
Metal false ceilings: 10.000 m2
Paintings on pavements: 5.000 m2
Vinyl coatings: 18.500 m2
Ceramic coatings: 16.300 m2
Façades and GRC coatings: 21.000 m2
Aluminium façades: 6.100 m2
Waterproofing: 17.000 m2
Paintings: 74.000 m2
Metal and wood doors: 1.900 un
Piping for hydraulic networks: 49.000 ml
Piping for firefighting network: 16.000 ml
Piping for sewage network: 16.000 ml
1.250 kVA transformers: 2 un
Electrical cables and telecommunications: 350.000 m
Cable tray, gutters and piping for electrical networks: 80.000 m
Switchboards: 180 un
Lighting fixtures: 7.700 un
Ventilation equipment: 163 un
Electro-pump sets: 34 un
Air conditioning equipment: 789 un
Air supply ducts: 78.000 m2
Fire dampers and flow regulation: 3.435 un
Diffusers and grids: 3.020 un
Piping of HVAC hydraulic network: 26.000 m