Geographical Markets

Geographical Markets

Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. has a presence on several markets, either directly or through branches set up for this purpose.

Therefore, in addition to Portugal, the Company operates in AngolaAlgeriaBrazil, Cape Verde, Gabon, Kuwait, ColombiaEcuador, Gabon, Kuwait, Spainthe USAFranceMoroccoMozambiquePeruthe United Kingdom and Venezuela.

Global Presence

Present in 17 countries, on 4 continents.


Building a better world

Founded in Portugal, Teixeira Duarte currently operates on several international markets. Find out more about the activity carried out in each country here.


After one project in the fifties, Teixeira Duarte has been operating continuously in Angola since 1976.


Algeria as been a strategic objective for Teixeira Duarte since 2003.

In January 2004 it submitted its first public works tender and, after a dozen others, it was awarded a contract for its first project in May 2005.

From then on, taking advantage of the strategic nature of the country, Teixeira Duarte proceeded to mobilize personnel, equipment and capital that allowed the creation of local structures, thereby enabling it and its subsidiaries to contribute to the remarkable development of that country, in competition with companies from all continents.

Teixeira Duarte’s operations in Algeria focus strongly on the public works and infrastructure area.

Cape Verde

After having already carried out maritime works in Cape Verde between 2010 and 2014, Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. returned to this market in 2019, leading the consortium responsible for the Porto Inglês expansion and modernization works project, on the Island of Maio. This contract includes the creation of execution designs and performing all the work to refurbish the existing jetties, the construction of a pile sheet curtain and protruding breakwater, the expansion of the quay with the construction of a Roll on – Roll off platform on reinforced concrete piles with metal jackets, the refurbishment and expansion of the existing embankment, as well as ancillary work involving the refurbishment of buildings and road access to the port.


In Morocco, Teixeira Duarte only operates through its subsidiary SOMAFEL, S.A., which has been present in this country since 2005, where it has carried out major railway work.


Teixeira Duarte commenced its activity in Mozambique in 1982, by participating in the tender for repairs to the bridge over the Zambezi River, in Tete.

This was the first of many major projects carried out in this country, where Teixeira Duarte has maintained a prominent position. Particular emphasis should be placed on public works that have allowed Mozambique to develop, specifically schools, communication routes and bridges.


Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. is currently represented in this country by its subsidiary SOMAFEL – Engenharia e Obras Ferroviárias, S.A.

This company began operations in Gabon in 2019, through a contract for the execution of ballast regularization works and heavy mechanical attack of the Transgabonais railroad in Gabon, a 670 km line that connects the capital city Libreville to the city of the French countryside.


Teixeira Duarte has been operating in Brazil since December 2007, through its subsidiary EMPA, S.A. – Serviços de Engenharia, a company founded in 1954.
Since 2013, Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. has also been operating in this country through its branch office.


As a result of the geographical proximity to Brazil and Venezuela, where Teixeira Duarte already had a solid presence, activities in Colombia arise from business opportunities in the areas of geotechnics and underground works in particular, in this case through a branch of its subsidiary “E.P.O.S. – Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterrâneas, S.A.”.


As a result of its geographical proximity to several markets in which Teixeira Duarte operates in Latin America, specifically Brazil and Venezuela, where it already has a solid presence, its operations in Ecuador arise from business opportunities in the infrastructures area. In this case a consortium was set up – led by the branch of “Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” and with the participation of a local partner – for the construction of a road bridge between Daule and Guayaquil.

United States of America

In the construction sector, Teixeira Duarte began its activity in America in 2016 through a technical assistance contract with the company “EIC Associates, Inc”.


Teixeira Duarte started to operate in this country through the branch of its subsidiary “E.P.O.S. – Empresa Portuguesa de Obras Subterrâneas, S.A.”, incorporated there in October 2016.

In December of that year, a contract was signed with the M2 Lima Construction Consortium, consisting of the construction of two cut and cover galleries, with a total length of 146m.

In 2017, the Group set up the company “Teixeira Duarte Perú – Ingeniería y Construcciones, S.A.C.” in this country, with the aim of starting operations in the Geotechnical and Foundations areas and in Maritime Works. Several bids have already been submitted through this company.


In 1978, TEGAVEN – Teixeira Duarte y Asociados, C.A., a company incorporated under Venezuelan law, was created in Venezuela, with headquarters in Caracas. The company was incorporated mainly with Portuguese capital and the participation of Venezuelan partners, with Teixeira Duarte being the leader and main shareholder.

The company has been following the development of the country and, in addition to the construction of several major real estate development, in the mid 80s it started to operate in the area of major public works. Even today it continues to operate in these areas.


Teixeira Duarte began operating in Spain in 2004 through the Spanish company GSC – Compañia General de Servicios y Construcción, S.A., as well as with the support of the “TEIXEIRA DUARTE – Engenharia e Construções, S.A.” operations centres and of the branch that the company set up in this Country.


Teixeira Duarte commenced its activities in Portugal in 1921, on the initiative of its founder, the Engineer Ricardo Esquível Teixeira Duarte.

In the beginning, the Company focused on activities in the geotechnics and foundations area, very much revolving around the personality of its founder. It would later expand its activity into all areas of construction.

United Kingdom

Teixeira Duarte started operating in this country in 2016 in the railway market, through its subsidiary the local company “SOMAFEL – Railway Construction, S.A.”. This company entered into a partnership with a British company, initially for the areas of catenary design and construction. However, it did not rule out the possibility of submitting bids for any opportunities that may be identified in the railway sector.

Also worthy of note is the fact that a consultancy contract was also signed as part of one of the major electrification projects being run in the United Kingdom: “Consultancy in the area of catenary design revision for Network Rail, in the GWEP – Great Western Electrification Project railway corridor”.


Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. signed, in 2019, two contracts for the construction of parts of the new Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) of UMM AL HAYMAN.