

For Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. sustainability is the result of a way of being and acting, with a sense of responsibility, which mirrors the relationship of its employees with all stakeholders.

The Company responds to the sustainability challenges of its activities, from economic, social and environmental perspectives, in accordance with crosscutting principles and priority areas defined by the Teixeira Duarte Group, to which it belongs.


Sustainable Development Goals

The process of adopting the SDGs to shape, conduct and report on the actions and targets under Sustainable Development.


Compliance Programme

Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S.A. has implemented a compliancemanagement programme, which is mandatory for all employees.


Ethics and Conduct

One of the main tools that guide the actions of employees of Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S. A.’s is the company’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.


Health and Safety

Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S. A. has always followed a human resources management strategy that emphasises measures aimed at improving quality of life.


Quality and Environment

The focus on quality, on continuously improving overall performance and attempting to meet all Customer needs and expectations and increasing their satisfaction.


Innovation and Development

Teixeira Duarte – Engenharia e Construções, S. A. promotes research and innovation, by providing employees with conditions for the adoption of a range of various instruments and infrastructures that enhance results.


Social Responsibility

The Mission and Values of Teixeira Duarte, particularly the “Commitment” value, reflect the Company’s concern for Social Responsibility.